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受講希望の方はご相談ください! →NOK無料相談室 ” You can contact in English! ”

特徴 日本語の基礎から段階を踏んで順に学び「話せるようになる」日本語教育コース 
講師 NOKが推薦する優秀な講師陣・担当講師「Makoto先生/Mika先生/Kayo先生」 

・Basic にほんご 1course(80mit×4回)¥5,280  全9course(80mit×36回)
Advanced にほんご 1course(80mit×4回)¥5,280  全11course(80mit×44回)

__ Basicにほんご __

1course(80mit×4回)¥5,280  全9course(80mit×36回)※1courseごとに選んで受講も可能

Can do Introdeuce yourself
Can say the names of things
Can say thenames of places


Can say wahto do and When
Can ride the vehicle
Can order at the restaurant


Can give the present
Can describe things
Can praise otherss

Where are you?
Can do shopping
Can compare something

What do you want?
What are you doing?
Can describe cuurent situation

Can describe two or more actions
Can use prohibited expressions
Can say what you can do

Can say past experiences
Can use plain forms
Can say your opinions

Can use attributive modifiers
Can use When sentences
Can say you help others

Can describe to get benefit
Can say if sentences

__ Advancedにほんご __

1course(80mit×4回)¥5,280  全11course(80mit×44回)※1courseごとに選んで受講も可能

Can say using"Can form"
Can say reasons
Can describe the current situation


Can express regret
Can describe the current situation
Can say preparations


Can say intentions
Can say advice
Can say prohibition

Can give the others introduction
Can say hypothetical forms
Can say your hopes for the future

Can express nuisance passively
Can talk about hobbies
Can describe the cause of incident

Can say the reason of your actions
Can ask others your requests
Can express your gratitude

Can state purpose
Can express difficulties
Can say current situations

Can say your too much deeds
Can use attributive modifiers
Can use When sentences

Can say you help others
Can say what happens
Can say your confidence

Can convey the messages
Can say predictions
Can use causative forms

Can use honorifics.謙譲語
Can use honorifics.尊敬語

Free Consultation room (NOK無料相談室)


Please contact us by email! ✉ free1online@fukuoka-fan.page

TABUNKAに登録している Onlineの日本語教室を 紹介するサイト


092-408-4296 k1online@fukuoka-fan.page
